The challenge with blood supply

State of the industry

The global blood supply is under strain, with a stark shortage rooted in an insufficient number of donors and the growing needs of patients suffering from conditions such as sickle cell anemia. This shortage is not just a number issue; it's about real lives needing vital treatments that depend on steady access to safe blood. The situation underscores the urgent need for methods to mass-produce red blood cells, offering a stable and safe alternative to traditional blood donations. Such advancements are required to revolutionize treatment options, making essential care more accessible to those in dire need.


Wasna is dedicated to make large scale red blood cell manufacturing possible by creating an effective substitute for human AB serum.

Stay updated with Wasna as we work on changing blood pharming for the better. We're actively testing our new solution on promising cell lines such a HUDEP-2. We'd love for you to keep up with our journey.

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