Improving skin and hair health with Wasna

State of the industry

Innovations in treating conditions like male pattern baldness and skin aging increasingly utilize blood plasma for its growth-promoting properties. Wasna has developed a human serum alternative rich in growth factors, aimed at supporting skin cell proliferation and tissue repair.

Why Wasna?

Wasna's patent pending human serum is the only solution that provides a cost-effective and full-spectrum serum alternative without relying on donor-sourced blood components.

  • Xeno-Free Origin

    Developed from a human cell line, our serum alternative eliminates the use of animal-derived components.

  • Reduced Variation

    Our clonal cell technology ensures consistent batch quality, supporting reliable research outcomes.

  • Enhanced Safety

    Designed to minimize contamination risks, our serum provides a safer option for regenerative medicine.

  • High Performance

    Effective in promoting the growth of skin cells, mesenchymal stem cells, and fibroblasts, our serum matches the efficacy of traditional serums

Explore how Wasna's serum alternative can enhance your longevity projects. We invite researchers, clinicians, and partners to connect with us and discuss potential collaborations that leverage our solutions for rejuvenation and healing. Reach out to discover more about our work and how we can rejuvenate together.